Latest News
- DuPont Microbiome Venture Announces a Strategic Partnership with BioMe Oxford6 June 2019 - 10:51
- Winning the IMAGINE IF! competition – a game-changing experience for start-up BioMe Oxford13 September 2018 - 21:05
- Significant role of bacteria in the small intestine for obesity18 April 2018 - 22:29
- BioMe Oxford – Winners of the IMAGINE IF! 2017 Accelerator6 February 2018 - 18:23
- We won the global IMAGINE IF! business competition6 December 2017 - 22:53
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BioMe Oxford Ltd is a registered company in the UK.
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9 The Homestead, Bladon, Woodstock, United Kingdom, OX20 1XA
BioMe’s technology gets featured on the Oxford Mail
/by Patrick K. AlbersBioMe takes part in Pitchfest and Venturefest Oxford
/by Patrick K. AlbersBioMe well-placed to address healthcare needs in the gut microbiome space
/by Patrick K. AlbersBioMe Oxford, a finalist at the inaugural Biostars 2016
/by Patrick K. AlbersBioMe obtains an innovation voucher from Innovate UK to support prototype design
/by Patrick K. AlbersBioMe, semi-finalist at OneStart Europe 2015
/by Patrick K. AlbersBioMe clinches top prize at ISIS Innovation Idea Idol competition
/by Patrick K. AlbersBioMe features on
/by Patrick K. Albers